Thank you for joining the Coke Campaign!

You’ve just taken a powerful stand for transparency, accountability, and healthy food by joining hundreds of thousands of people and signing our petition to Coca-Cola. Thank you! 

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Important details about the Coke Boycott will be emailed to you in a few minutes, so please watch your inbox (or check your spam folder!). Please add [email protected] to your address book to be sure you will receive our important campaign updates. If you use Gmail, simply moving one message from us out of  “Promotions” and into “Primary” will help you be sure you continue to hear from us with all the juicy info.

Help spread the word about the Coke Campaign!

  • Click here to share a message about on Twitter.
  • Click here to spread the word on Facebook.
  • Please also use the resources on this website to help us continue to put pressure on Coca-Cola to drop their financial support for campaigns opposing GMO labeling.

Join us in telling Coke we have a right to know what we’re eating and drinking!

Call the Coca-Cola hotline at 800-438-2653 between 9 am EDT – 7 pm EDT, and speak out! You can say something like:

“I am calling to tell you that I hope Coca-Cola will join Campbell’s in committing to on-package labeling of genetically engineered foods. I have a right to know what I am eating and drinking - and labeling should be my right. As a consumer, I will not buy Coke products until you stop fighting my right to know and support mandatory labeling for genetically engineered foods.”

Let us know how your call went!

If you’re on Facebook or Twitter, post on Coke’s Facebook page or Tweet them at @CocaCola.

Sample Facebook posts:

You say you support transparency and consumer empowerment. But you’ve been spending millions of dollars fighting labeling of genetically engineered foods. Please follow Campbell’s lead: label your GE products and support mandatory, on-package labeling of all GE foods.

Coca Cola also owns Honest Tea – a brand that is already organic and non-GMO. Tell Honest Tea to urge its parent company to stand on the right side of history. Click here to go to their Facebook page.

Sample Facebook post for Honest Tea:

Honest Tea is owned by Coca Cola. And Coca-Cola is still fighting GMO labeling. Have you told your parent company to join Campbell’s and to support federal mandatory GMO labeling?

Sample Tweets:

  • @CocaCola support mandatory, on-package labeling of GE foods. I have a right to know! #CokeBoycott
  • @CocaCola I refuse to buy Coke products until you stop fighting my right to know and support mandatory #GMO labelling

Thanks again for taking action!

-Ocean Robbins and the Coke Campaign Team


Food Revolution NetworkCenter For Food Safety